The full story

There is nothing worse than realizing we are the spectator of our own life rather than the creator. Because society has so many norms and standards, we usually just drift in life, trying to check as many right boxes as possible, with just a little twist to feel unique, like nice belongings or a hobby. No matter the amount of awareness, knowledge or intelligence, backing off from the modern deal is a huge struggle against our own instincts, conditionings and subconscious beliefs...

Self-help 101

A lot people only swear by self-help books. And it is okay, to start with. Most of them are designed to feel empowering, but for way too many, it is like blowing in a balloon, soon to deflate. Ignoring the tremendous amount of superficial advice and sometimes twisted principles like toxic positivity surrounding self-help culture is, however, not okay. Do you notice the excess responsibility for mental health that is put on individuals nowadays? Don’t get me wrong, we are responsible for our happiness, but it is never our fault if we feel depressed...

The inner space

Everything is going so fast we get carried out without a single moment to address what is truly important. We don’t even have the time to process what our lives are turning into. There’s so much noise around, a constant flood of information. Our minds are restlessly thinking, trying to figure it out and make sense of the world. Because we are wired to consider our thoughts as reality, to fit an infinite universe in a finite brain, to search for immediate answers and to suppress incertainty. As anxiety prospers and fears emerge, we feel powerless and deprived of the most basic sense of control. So what to do? ...