Behind Yogazyne

A woman’s story about reinvention, yoga and creativity

Zyne is the contraction of the words Zayn and Zine.

Zayn is an arabic word meaning beauty and grace. Zine, (pronounced “zeen”, just like in magazine),  can be defined as a homemade publication.

YOGAZYNE merges the functionality of a yoga studio to root your practice, with the philosophy of helping you grow a deep understanding of yoga. 

Through blog articles and content creation, we aim to provide you with educational ressources about yoga and wellness. The blog will also share unique insights and tips from the journey of a yogi.

Our mission

To support yoga education on and off the mat and share more than class hours

Our vision

To empower individuals, especially women, to find their true self and fulfill their potential

Meet the founder

Sarah signature

Certified Yoga Teacher 500-RYT

I am an ex-marketer who left her job and country to pursue her dreams. I have been a gym lover for the past 10 years, which made yoga easier to pick up, but  my favorite thing is teaching complete beginners to connect with their bodies and inner space.

When I first had the chance, I gave yoga my all. Within a few months, I enrolled in my 200 and 300 hours trainings, growing my own practice but also teaching people around me very early on. 

It was all I needed to find myself and create a life that is more aligned and fulfilling. Today I am eager to share this gift with the world. I am commited to empowering people, and especially women, to find their own way!”

Want to know more ? Read my blog post here.