Welcome to Yogazyne

Your yoga studio from home

You are only a few weeks away from creating the most powerful habit in your life. Learn all the fundamentals of yoga to achieve physical and mental freedom on and off the mat! Start this thrilling adventure deep within yourself and breathe new life into existence now!

About me


Certified Yoga Teacher 500-RYT
Vinyasa・Hatha・Prenatal Yoga

I am a yoga teacher who followed her heart and took a leap of faith, leaving a corporate career in marketing and moving to France to create a life I can deeply enjoy.

With a decade-long passion for fitness and a strong curiosity for alternative medicines, I found it to be a natural step to enroll in professional yoga teacher trainings to deepen my personal practice. Very early on, I started teaching and seized opportunities around me as they arose, until I eventually recognised it was a true calling. My favorite thing is guiding complete beginners to connect with their bodies and reclaim their inner space.

Today I am eager to share this gift with the world. I am committed to empowering people, especially women, to cultivate a sense of  presence and alignement as the foundation of a free and more fulfilling life!”

Want to know more ? Read my blog post here

What is so special about yoga?



Yoga is a complete workout combining strength, flexibility & mobility training. It also stimulates internal organs & supports the balance of various body systems.


Yoga is a mindfulness practice. It relies on the breath to calm the mind, regulate the nervous system and expand awareness, releasing emotions, tensions & blockages.

Pro tip

Just like any new skill, yoga calls for consistency in order to engage the body and mind in a gentle and progressive manner. To create a habit, repetition is key. Practice asana, pranayama and/or meditation regularly, at least twice a week, in a group, or by yourself once you pick up the basic techniques. It is okay to do yoga once in a while, but keep in mind that it is better to practice 15 minutes every day than 2 hours straight once a week.

How it works


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